Waste management

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    India’s waste pickers: indispensable but invisible

    India’s huge army of informal waste collectors play a vital role in reducing the environmental impact of the country’s vast waste mountain, but fears are growing that the expanding involvement of private firms in waste management threatens both the waste pickers’ livelihoods and wider efforts to improve their working and living conditions.

    By Orchie Bandyopadhyay on 07 February 2025

    Dharmesh Shah

    What a waste

    Safety Management asked Dharmesh Shah how India can improve its waste management, through the ‘reduce, reuse, recover and recycle’ waste management model.

    By Gajal Gupta on 01 February 2021

    Swati Singh Sambyal

    Waste not, want not

    Swati Singh Sambyal, a Delhi-based waste management expert, gives her views on how India can improve its management of hazardous industrial waste.

    By on 01 February 2021