road safety

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    Road safety in India: could better road safety, vehicle technology and enforcement make driving for work safer?

    India has a poor road safety record, and research shows that commercial vehicles are a major contributor to the problem, with trucks estimated to be the single largest vehicle type involved in impacts leading to fatalities. We look at solutions that could make driving for work and the roads in general safer – from in-vehicle technology that warns truck drivers about unsafe behaviour to improving the design features of major highways.

    By Orchie Bandyopadhyay on 10 November 2024

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    Tougher road accident penalties: truckers fear the consequences

    Government plans to introduce tougher penalties for drivers who fail to remain at the scene of a serious road accident and promptly report it have sparked widespread protests from India’s truckers, who fear the laws will put their lives in danger due to violence from roadside mobs.

    By Orchie Bandyopadhyay on 08 February 2024

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    Boosting health and safety in India: major challenges remain

    Although India recently joined the rest of the world in marking World Day for Safety and Health at Work, a spate of fatal accidents in the run-up to the day has again prompted calls for tougher legislation and employer action to protect Indian workers from work-related injury and ill health.

    By Orchie Bandyopadhyay on 05 May 2023

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    Driving into danger: why Indian truckers are at risk

    Indian truck drivers face a high risk of road accidents and health problems caused by poor working conditions, and the situation is compounded by the unorganised nature of the trucking industry.

    By Orchie Bandyopadhyay on 08 March 2022

    Safety Shield Global AI Human Form Recognition Safety System

    Can AI eliminate workplace collisions?

    AI technology is now being deployed to immediately warn mobile plant operators on construction sites of the presence of pedestrians, therefore adding a new layer to transport safety.

    By Jonathan Guest, Safety Shield Group on 06 November 2023

    Clean Linen Services

    Case studies: how excellent management of occupational road risk pays dividends

    Safety & Health Excellence Awards this year had a brand-new category: Best Driver Risk Management Performance. It was sponsored by National Highways, through its Driving for Better Business programme.

    By Driving for Better Business on 09 November 2023

    Ringway Jacobs Fleet Credit Surecam

    Lone worker technology and video telematics: a powerful combination for driver safety

    Video telematics technology fitted to vehicles can now be combined with lone worker alarms so at-work drivers can immediately summon help in the event of problems like collisions, assaults, thefts and medical emergencies.

    By Sam Footer, SureCam on 09 November 2023