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Qualification overview

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of the qualification, learners will:

  • Identify typical emergency policies and procedures
  • Know more about the key roles involved in planning emergency arrangements.


Online assessment task completed after the course, testing knowledge and understanding of emergency preparedness and response.


  • Importance of emergency procedures: Identify the reasons for having and testing emergency procedures
  • What could go wrong: Review the different types of emergencies and key factors that should be considered
  • Impact of well organised systems: Consider the different resources that are required for effective emergency response, and the typical roles involved in emergency preparedness

Contact us for more information

If you would like more information regarding British Safety Council Certificate in Construction Safety, and ways to study, please fill the form below and a member of our team will reach out to you.

Select how you want to study

We recognise that everyone is different, which is why we offer a choice of study routes.

You can study for the qualification online, live online or we can deliver the course in your workplace.

Online - instant access

If you can’t find time in your busy schedule to attend a classroom course, then online training is the answer.

The online programme includes interactive e-Learning exercises, a downloadable study text and knowledge tests. The online assessment task is completed after the course and enables you to apply your knowledge and understanding of the manual handling risk assessment process to your own workplace.

Enterprise E-learning

You can train your entire team with our enterprise solutions. We can deploy license in bulk for large teams. These ensure your entire team is equipped with the right safety training. 

Our purpose-built learning management system delivers exactly the right e-Learning courses to the right staff at the right time. 

 The web-based system comes with a powerful yet easy-to-use reporting engine, so you can check on learner progress and be alerted to any concerns that are raised through our innovative self-assessment surveys, which can be included as part of the course. 

Our Enterprise system includes:

  • Software as a service: hosted by us, we do all the IT
  • Full implementation support including system training
  • Regular system updates
  • Free course updates
  • Simple yet secure login
  • Configurable alerts system – emails sent where you want, when you want
  • Management dashboard – see at a glance where attention is required
  • Automatic refresher training notifications – never have to remind people again​
  • Fast and friendly support service by telephone and e-mail

This course can also be integrated with your LMS via our SCORM solutions.

  • Rosette White 359X202

    We are one of the world’s leading health and safety organisations

  • People White 359X202

    Our tutors are experts in health and safety and are excellent teachers

  • Training White 359X202

    No 'death by PowerPoint' – learning is student-centred and interactive

  • Coggs White 359X202

    Study skills and examination techniques are embedded throughout

  • Trophy White 359X202

    Pass rates are consistently above the national average
